What do conductors and insulators mean? 

In the electricity world, not all things can conduct electricity. There are some objects that can conduct electricity and there are also certain objects that cannot conduct electricity.

Well, objects that conduct electricity are known as conductors, while objects that cannot conduct electricity are known as insulators.

Here we explain more about the definition of conductors and insulators.


A conductor is an object that can conduct electricity. The point is that if a conductor is subjected to electric current, then an electric current can flow. All types of metals are copper, iron and aluminum conductors. In conductors Electrons move easily from one atom to another atoms.

What are conductor examples ?

Cable is a type of conductor. The best type of conductor is silver, but because the price of silver is very expensive, it is replaced by copper which has good conductivity. The earth on which we step is a type of conductor, which is on a lot of land in homes.

Another example of a conductor is the human body, the human body is called a conductor because most of the human body contains water. but human body have high Resistance.


While insulators are objects that cannot conduct electricity or interrupt electricity.


What are examples of insulators?

An example of an insulator is a cable cover, rubber, plastic, glass and other. If we look at the cable, there are two pieces of copper wire wrapped in a type of plastic or rubber. The function of the wrapper is to prevent us from being electrified, the second function is to avoid the current so that it does not go directly into the side wire, causing a short circuit.


There are some materials that can act as conductors or insulators of this type of material called semiconductors for example silicon. If the silicon material in hot temperature it acts as a conductor while in cold temperature works as an insulator.

This material is the main component of making transistors, diodes, ICs etc.